Clear Blue Technologies International

ADM Endeavors, Inc.


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Beyond the Swag

Beyond the Swag

Estimating the Value of ADM Endeavors New Fixed Assets Book Value of Land US$970k versus Potential Fair Market Value of US$3M to US$5M Book Value of New Facility US$2.4M versus Potential Fair Market Value US$8.9M to US$10.7M Sophic Capital client ADM Endeavors, Inc....

A Whirlwind of Opportunity in Texas

A Whirlwind of Opportunity in Texas

Simple, Profitable, and Scalable Report #1 Recap In Sophic Capital’s Endeavor Unleashed report, we looked at how Sophic Capital client ADM Endeavors, Inc. [OTCQB:ADMQ] (“ADM” or the “Company”) a diversified, direct marketing and value-added manufacturing company fits...

Endeavor Unleashed

Endeavor Unleashed

Uniform, Promotional Product Mastery Uniforms unify. They connect people and build pride to an entity, whether that’s a government department, a school, or a corporation. At the same time, while uniting people to a common entity, they can also differentiate...

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