OneSoft Solutions Inc.
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Sophic Insights
PPIM – Machine Learning and Data Science Adoption Slow but Interest Booming
We wanted to see the extent to which the pipeline industry is embracing machine learning to manage and protect its most valuable assets – pipelines. In this report we detail our findings, but before we dive in below is a brief summary of our last report.
ESG Investment for the Petroleum and Gas Pipeline Industry
We believe that these catalysts bode well for OneSoft Solutions (OSS:TSXV, OSSIF:OTC), a Sophic Capital client. OneSoft Solutions’ (“OneSoft”) mission is to use machine learning and data science to help U.S. pipeline companies achieve their stated objective of reducing pipeline failures to zero.
Sophic Capital Investment Ideas: Applying Machine Learning to Save Lives, the Environment, & Money
We have a new investment idea for you from a team of oil & gas pipeline software veterans who built a prior company with $30,000 and sold it 18 months later for $7.6 million.
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