Kontrol Technologies Corp.

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Sophic Insights
KNR: A Second Line of Defense Against COVID-19
What if we had technology that detected COVID-19 while we await for a COVID-19 treatment or vaccine – technology that can tell us in real time that the virus is present?

KNR: Smarter Buildings through IoT, Cloud and SaaS Technology
Combined, energy waste and GHG emissions represent an annual addressable market in North America of US $100 billion. Globally these problems scale the addressable market to about US $700 billion. Most buildings lack real-time intelligence to monitor and control energy consumption and GHGs.

Kontrol Energy (KNR:CSE) – Intro to Sophic Capital’s Newest Client
Kontrol Energy makes buildings smarter in real-time. Smarter buildings are more profitable, valuable, and sustainable. Led by a management team with 60 years of experience, a previous exit, and about 45% insider ownership, we believe this is a company that will appeal to investors interested in SaaS, Cloud, IOT and ESG.
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