UGE International

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UGE Sells Solar Facility Well Above Current Implied Valuation
UGE International announced the sale of one of its completed solar projects (AND 3 new ones AND the completion of another).
Last week, Sophic Capital wrote that solar projects under construction have sold for multiples much higher than what the market values UGE International.
UGE’s project sale multiple shows that the market still undervalues the Company.

Sizzling Solar Project Valuations Bode Well For UGE
Solar projects under construction sell for multiples much higher than what the markets value UGE International.

UGE: Solar Projects Are Shining Due to Strong Economics
In spite of the Blue-Wave that didn’t materialize in the 2020 U.S. election, solar stocks and the Invesco Solar ETF are hot.
Solar projects are hot due to government and utility incentives as well as an abundance of solar project financing.
UGE International [TSXV:UGE; OTC:UGEIF], a community solar project developer and operator, is a way to invest in the growing solar energy theme.

UGE International Ltd. – Time To Ride The Solar Coaster
According to the Solar Energy Industry Association, Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables and The Solar Foundation, solar energy in the USA has experienced an average annual growth rate of 49% per year over the past decade. What aided this growth were U.S. federal policies such as the solar Investment Tax Credit, rapidly declining costs, and increasing demand across the private and public sector for clean electricity.