A “Sun-sational” Take on Community Solar

A “Sun-sational” Take on Community Solar

(Solar) Power to the People Community solar is a structure whereby a solar energy project provides power to a set of subscribers (aka the “community”), typically a mix of households, organizations, and businesses.  These systems are located in a central location and...
Time to Get “Xycte”d

Time to Get “Xycte”d

Recap Event organizers are experiencing a much-anticipated resurgence of in-person events as the digital landscape continues to evolve. The COVID-19 pandemic served a valuable lesson, emphasizing the significance of embracing technology-driven solutions for many...
Smooth Sailing for Kraken Robotics

Smooth Sailing for Kraken Robotics

Poised for Continued Growth in Military and Commercial Markets Recap  In our 4 prior reports in this series, we detailed how governments and industry competitors are investing heavily into unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs): Report #1 – Unmanned Underwater Vehicles –...
Deep Dive on Underwater Drone Manufacturers

Deep Dive on Underwater Drone Manufacturers

Recap  In Sophic Capital’s Bottoms up for Navies we discussed how key countries are investing in subsea defence to safeguard the worlds waterways. In this fourth report in our series, we highlight companies in the defence and commercial marine technology markets and...