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Nubeva Announces Fiscal 2019 Financial Results

Give it Away – The Million You Never Made (Part 3)
Welcome to Part 3 of Give it Away – The Million You Never Made, where we’ll show how Freckle (FRKL-TSXV), a Sophic Capital client, has a data privacy-compliant application that will fill the void left by traditional data brokers that cannot meet regulatory requirements around the collection and monetization of YOUR personal data.

Give it Away – The Million You Never Made (Part 2)
We’ve all seen online advertisements that match our interests. Many of us have pieced together that websites and apps collect our personal info, determine our interests, and somehow advertise to our interests whenever we’re online. What many people don’t know is that there are companies beyond Facebook and Google collecting our personal data and selling our digital profile to the highest bidders. You get paid nothing.