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CES Day 4 – Fun Tech
Click here to download Sophic Capital's CES Day 4 report.
CES Day 3 – Focusing on Tech
Day 3 at CES yielded a ton of interesting technology that validated our theses on certain sectors. We visited more virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) head-mounted display (HMD) OEMs and exited our discussions with stronger convictions that these...
CES Day 2 – We Kind of Failed You
CES is a darn big show. We planned to visit several booths yesterday but didn’t due to a combination of informal meetings, spotting cool stuff that we just had to investigate, and being lost; all slowed us down beyond elbowing our way through the 2.4 million square...
CES Day 1: Stats & Thoughts from Tech Leaders
Sophic Capital is at CES 2016 in Las Vegas. Day one was filled with product announcements (which we didn’t attend). But CES also had several keynote session and panel discussions. We discovered what’s on thought leaders’ minds. Wednesday, though, is when the...