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CES Day 2 – We Kind of Failed You

CES Day 2 – We Kind of Failed You

CES is a darn big show. We planned to visit several booths yesterday but didn’t due to a combination of informal meetings, spotting cool stuff that we just had to investigate, and being lost; all slowed us down beyond elbowing our way through the 2.4 million square...

CES Day 1: Stats & Thoughts from Tech Leaders

Sophic Capital is at CES 2016 in Las Vegas.  Day one was filled with product announcements (which we didn’t attend). But CES also had several keynote session and panel discussions. We discovered what’s on thought leaders’ minds.  Wednesday, though, is when the...

Company Tweets

AnalytixInsight provides a corporate update. https://www.analytixinsight.com/news/analytixinsight-provides-a-corporate-update
$ALY.V #AI #fintech $ALY.V #AI #fintech

AnalytixInsight reaches a settlement with Board Directors https://www.analytixinsight.com/news/analytixinsight-reaches-settlement-with-board-directors
$ALY.V #AI #fintech

AnalytixInsight reports revocation of MCTO & Q1 2024 financial results
$ALY.V #AI #fintech

AnalytixInsight provides 2023 financial results & bi-weekly MCTO status
$ALY.V #AI #fintech

AnalytixInsight provides MCTO status update https://www.analytixinsight.com/news/analytixinsight-provides-mcto-status-update $ALY.V #AI #fintech

AnalytixInsight Announces Delay in Filing its Annual Audited Financial Statements and Interim Court Order https://www.analytixinsight.com/news/analytixinsight-announces-delay-in-filing-its-annual-audited-financial-statements-and-interim-court-order $ALY.V #AI #fintech

Certain directors and officers of AnalytixInsight Inc. provide a fourth update on ongoing corporate matters at the Company. https://www.analytixinsight.com/news/fourth-update-on-ongoing-matters-at-analytixinsight $ALY.V #AI #fintech

Certain directors and officers of AnalytixInsight Inc. filed a Notice of Application today in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. https://www.analytixinsight.com/news/analytixinsight-and-certain-officers-and-directors-apply-to-court-for-orders-and-relief $ALY.V #AI #fintech

Certain directors and officers of AnalytixInsight Inc. today provide an additional update on ongoing corporate matters. https://lnkd.in/gZYwhaKM $ALY.V #AI #fintech

AnalytixInsight Inc. provides additional information in response to a news release disseminated on April 7, 2024 https://rb.gy/alj0lo $ALY.V #AI #fintech

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