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Sophic Insights
September 13, 2020
Lots of activity in the Canadian VC space this past week, as well as Lightspeed’s NYSE debut. Sophic client, Kontrol (KNR-CSE) had positive news of another successful test of its Covid detection product, BioCloud.
KNR: Keeping Students, Teachers and Families Safe from COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc on our lives, livelihoods, and economies. Worse, one million people have died from COVID-19, and millions more – families, friends, and co-workers – are mourning. The threat is far from over, and with children heading back to schools and the oncoming flu season upon us, the coming months could see more disruption.
September 6, 2020
We hope you’re enjoying the long weekend with your loved ones. Many high growth stocks pulled back on Thursday, and Friday to some extent – however, valuations still remain elevated. Interestingly a Financial Times piece on Friday suggested Softbank’s option trading could have been tech stocks higher over the summer.
August 30, 2020
Monday saw the one the highest number of SEC S-1 filings for high profile companies going public as we have seen in nearly fifteen years in capital markets. September, should be a very interesting month!