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Virtual Reality – Get Real!
Last week, we attended our third Game Developers Conference (GDC). GDC 2015 convinced us that virtual reality (VR) was viable and will spread across several industries. GDC 2016 surpassed our expectations. The headsets are ready, so much so that VR content was the...
GDC Day 3: Wrapping up our VR Experiences
Testing more VR platforms: Day three saw us return to the PlayStation VR booth to see if we could have a better gaming experience than Thursday’s London Heist experience. We also had a chance to demo the HTC Vive. To finish the day off we wandered over to the career...
GDC Day 2: VR Platforms to Go Long On
Playing around with Virtual Reality: We spent our second day at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) queued for hours waiting to try high-end VR gaming platforms. More accurately, we wanted to see the content available for Oculus, PlayStation VR, and HTC Vive since we...
GDC Day 1: Virtual Reality Dominates
Sophic Capital is at the 2016 Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco. This is our third consecutive GDC, and what a difference two years makes for the advancement of VR. Two years ago Oculus demoed the DK2, and people were blown away. That quickly resulted...