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Virtual Reality: It’s Real All Right
Immersing Ourselves at the 2015 Game Developers Conference We attended GDC 2014 and 2015. While virtual reality was present last year, this year we are convinced it is here to stay and will have wide spreading impact across several industries. The number of...
Latest Trend in EdTech – BYOD
Bring your own device (BYOD) allows educational institutions to preserve their budgets by strategically passing most of mobile device investment and maintenance costs to the students. In return, students benefit from interactive student/teacher engagements, and the...
Virtual Reality: The Industry Forges Ahead
Virtual Reality (VR) is about to become mainstream and could be a $7 billion market by 2018. Samsung has released its Gear VR head-mounted display to the public, while Oculus and Sony continue development on “consumer-ready” products. Microsoft is experimenting with...
Counterfeit Money: Keeping a Step Ahead of Criminals
Counterfeiting is a high-margin $654 billion growth industry largely run by criminal organizations that have few disincentives to stop. Counterfeit money is a small sub-market that uses the latest innovative anti-counterfeiting technologies. Yet, in spite of these...