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Are Small-Cap Stocks a Good Investment?
When you show up to a new gym, it’s very unlikely that your personal trainer will start your workout right when you show up. Instead, they will probably spend a few minutes asking about your fitness goals. They’ll want to know things like: What is your main reason for...
Small-Cap Stocks Vs Large-Cap Stocks
To visualize the differences between small-cap and large-cap stocks, let’s imagine that you own a farm. You hope to boost your farm’s income by buying an apple tree. Since apples are a high-margin item, a quality apple tree should give your bottom line a slight boost....
How To Pick Small-Cap Stocks
If you were to ask the NFL’s top 5 quarterbacks about the best way to throw a football, they would all probably have slightly different answers. Every answer would still include a few key mechanics such as setting your feet and following through on your throw....
How To Invest In Small-Cap Stocks
Once you have done your due diligence and found potential small-cap stocks, the next step is to actually invest in them. Even though they might sound the same, “picking small-cap stocks” and “investing in small-cap stocks” are actually slightly different things....