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UGE: Shining A Light On The U.S. Solar Industry
According to the Solar Energy Industry Association, Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables and The Solar Foundation, solar energy in the USA has experienced an average annual growth rate of 49% per year over the past decade. What aided this growth were U.S. federal policies such as the solar Investment Tax Credit, rapidly declining costs, and increasing demand across the private and public sector for clean electricity.
August 2, 2020
Please see what we’ve been reading in technology and ESG related investing this week. Please feel free to send us what you’ve found interesting.
July 26, 2020
Welcome to our inaugural edition of what we’ve been reading in technology & ESG related investing this week. You are receiving this email, because you’ve previously worked with Sophic Capital or we’ve discussed tech or ESG investing.
America’s Paper Money Not Going Away
Through the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, health officials have inundated us with messaging about washing our hands thoroughly and regularly. This has morphed into a culture of not touching anyone or anything, including paper money. Some businesses fear that paper money carries the coronavirus and can transmit it to whomever handles it. Some businesses have gone as far to disinfect banknotes they accept (a new form of money laundering).