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“Thought leadership should be an entry point to a relationship. Thought leadership should intrigue, challenge, and inspire even people already familiar with a company. It should help start a relationship where none exists, and it should enhance existing relationships.” -Daniel Rasmus

Sophic Capital: Latest Research

Beyond the Swag

Beyond the Swag

Estimating the Value of ADM Endeavors New Fixed Assets Book Value of Land US$970k versus Potential Fair Market Value of US$3M to US$5M Book Value of New Facility US$2.4M versus Potential Fair Market Value US$8.9M to US$10.7M Sophic Capital client ADM Endeavors, Inc....

A Global Crisis

A Global Crisis

Companies and Governments are Struggling with Cybersecurity Report #1 Recap In Sophic Capital’s Digital Defense report, we highlighted how susceptible people and organizations are to cybercrime. Despite the power of the internet, data, and technology, cybercrime...

Digital Defense

Digital Defense

Increase Cybersecurity and Protect Your Assets More Data, More Money, More Cybercrime  For several years, we have witnessed the data revolution. The internet, data, and technology are inextricably linked. In an era of unprecedented data proliferation, the increase in...

Sophic Capital: Latest Research

Beyond the Swag

Estimating the Value of ADM Endeavors New Fixed Assets Book Value of Land US$970k versus Potential Fair Market Value of US$3M to US$5M Book Value of New Facility US$2.4M versus Potential Fair Market Value US$8.9M to US$10.7M Sophic Capital client ADM Endeavors, Inc....

A Global Crisis

Companies and Governments are Struggling with Cybersecurity Report #1 Recap In Sophic Capital’s Digital Defense report, we highlighted how susceptible people and organizations are to cybercrime. Despite the power of the internet, data, and technology, cybercrime...

Digital Defense

Increase Cybersecurity and Protect Your Assets More Data, More Money, More Cybercrime  For several years, we have witnessed the data revolution. The internet, data, and technology are inextricably linked. In an era of unprecedented data proliferation, the increase in...

Rising to the Surface with Kraken Robotics

The Wave May Be Just Getting Started Surging Stock Still Looks Undervalued  Even though the stock of Sophic Capital client Kraken Robotics (PNG:TSXV, KRKNF:OTCQB) has surged over 150% in the past six months, it still appears undervalued when compared to its peers. In...

Sophic Capital: Past Research

Kraken Robotics – Opportunities with GE and Beyond

On October 26, 2017, GE Venture company Avitas Systems partnered with Kraken Robotics to develop subsea inspection solutions for the oil and gas industry. This a milestone for Kraken Robotics because for the past two years management has been communicating a search/recovery/inspection, subscription model called Robotics-as-a-Service (RaaS) for sea drones.

Cisco and MEMEX Partner to Win the Secure IIoT Market

Kicking Some Digital Ass in Las Vegas 99% of manufacturing machine data is trapped inside the machines. Real-time machine data is essentially non-existent because manufacturers fear security breaches in a networked machine environment. Unlocking this data via secure networks and allowing overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) analysis would weed out invisible and expensive inefficiencies. This issue was at the forefront of IIoT experts in the Connected Machines pavilion at Cisco Live, Cisco’s annual technology conference. We saw Cisco’s secure network solution for manufacturing environments, which was exhibited with partner MEMEX’s Manufacturing Operations Management System platform. Mass adoption of using real-time, machine data analytics to create business outcomes is beginning, and MEMEX is positioned to become the industry leader. Why You Need to Read this Report Learn how MEMEX Inc., a public company, and Cisco are addressing the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) market; We present a real use case of the Cisco/MEMEX relationship, and; Discover how big the long-term IIoT market opportunity could be – hint: not “billions” but “trillions”. Download Sophic Capital’s “Cisco and MEMEX Partner to Win the Secure IIoT Market” report HERE.

GDC Day 3: Wrapping up our VR Experiences

Testing more VR platforms: Day three saw us return to the PlayStation VR booth to see if we could have a better gaming experience than Thursday’s London Heist experience. We also had a chance to demo the HTC Vive. To finish the day off we wandered over to the career fair to see the skills that gaming companies seek and got some opinions into when high-end gaming HMDs could become wireless. To read more, click HERE.

GDC Day 2: VR Platforms to Go Long On

Playing around with Virtual Reality: We spent our second day at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) queued for hours waiting to try high-end VR gaming platforms. More accurately, we wanted to see the content available for Oculus, PlayStation VR, and HTC Vive since we know their head-mounted devices (HMD) are now consumer-ready and ready to begin shipping in the coming weeks and months. Unfortunately, we couldn’t book an appointment with Valve to probe the platform; however, we have one today, and we’ll report our findings on Monday. To read more about our second day at GDC, click HERE. To watch Bullet Train, click HERE.

GDC Day 1: Virtual Reality Dominates

Sophic Capital is at the 2016 Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco. This is our third consecutive GDC, and what a difference two years makes for the advancement of VR. Two years ago Oculus demoed the DK2, and people were blown away. That quickly resulted in Facebook buying the company. Last year new HMDs entered including HTC Vive and Sony’s Project Morpheus (now called “PlayStation VR” or “PSVR”). This is the year of content, which we have always said will drive VR adoption. Click HERE to read more. Click HERE to watch a video about the games coming to Oculus.

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