
Investment Research for Your Business

“Thought leadership should be an entry point to a relationship. Thought leadership should intrigue, challenge, and inspire even people already familiar with a company. It should help start a relationship where none exists, and it should enhance existing relationships.” -Daniel Rasmus

Sophic Capital: Latest Research

A Global Crisis

A Global Crisis

Companies and Governments are Struggling with Cybersecurity Report #1 Recap In Sophic Capital’s Digital Defense report, we highlighted how susceptible people and organizations are to cybercrime. Despite the power of the internet, data, and technology, cybercrime...

Digital Defense

Digital Defense

Increase Cybersecurity and Protect Your Assets More Data, More Money, More Cybercrime  For several years, we have witnessed the data revolution. The internet, data, and technology are inextricably linked. In an era of unprecedented data proliferation, the increase in...

Rising to the Surface with Kraken Robotics

Rising to the Surface with Kraken Robotics

The Wave May Be Just Getting Started Surging Stock Still Looks Undervalued  Even though the stock of Sophic Capital client Kraken Robotics (PNG:TSXV, KRKNF:OTCQB) has surged over 150% in the past six months, it still appears undervalued when compared to its peers. In...

Sophic Capital: Latest Research

A Global Crisis

Companies and Governments are Struggling with Cybersecurity Report #1 Recap In Sophic Capital’s Digital Defense report, we highlighted how susceptible people and organizations are to cybercrime. Despite the power of the internet, data, and technology, cybercrime...

Digital Defense

Increase Cybersecurity and Protect Your Assets More Data, More Money, More Cybercrime  For several years, we have witnessed the data revolution. The internet, data, and technology are inextricably linked. In an era of unprecedented data proliferation, the increase in...

Rising to the Surface with Kraken Robotics

The Wave May Be Just Getting Started Surging Stock Still Looks Undervalued  Even though the stock of Sophic Capital client Kraken Robotics (PNG:TSXV, KRKNF:OTCQB) has surged over 150% in the past six months, it still appears undervalued when compared to its peers. In...

A Whirlwind of Opportunity in Texas

Simple, Profitable, and Scalable Report #1 Recap In Sophic Capital’s Endeavor Unleashed report, we looked at how Sophic Capital client ADM Endeavors, Inc. [OTCQB:ADMQ] (“ADM” or the “Company”) a diversified, direct marketing and value-added manufacturing company fits...

Sophic Capital: Past Research

Legendary Insights from Legend Power System’s Q2 2020 Conference Call

Legendary Insights from Legend Power System’s Q2 2020 Conference Call

Last week, Legend Power Systems (LPS:TSXV), a global leader in onsite energy management technology for buildings, reported an improving outlook as economies emerge from the coronavirus pandemic. On the call, which we recommend you listen to, management outlined several nuggets that make the 60 minute call well worth your time. For those of you that are more inclined to read the highlights we have put some of the key points below that illustrate the business is at a turning point.

OneSoft Solutions: CEO Answers Investor Questions

Two weeks ago, OneSoft Solutions CEO Dwayne Kushniruk hosted an investor presentation at the Planet MicroCap Showcase event. We present these questions and Mr. Kushniruk’s answers following the video presentation and disclaimer included.

PNG: A Kraken Good Investment!

We understand that investors flee stocks when systematic risk prevails, and the current market meltdown has spared few microcap stocks. Kraken Robotics (TSXV:PNG, OTC: KRKNF), a Sophic Capital client, was no exception.

Fake Products Is Not Fake News

On January 31, 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump issued an Executive Order to stop the importation of counterfeit goods. This followed an April 2019 Memorandum that specifically targeted third-party, online retailers selling counterfeited and pirated goods.

ESG Investment for the Petroleum and Gas Pipeline Industry

We believe that these catalysts bode well for OneSoft Solutions (OSS:TSXV, OSSIF:OTC), a Sophic Capital client. OneSoft Solutions’ (“OneSoft”) mission is to use machine learning and data science to help U.S. pipeline companies achieve their stated objective of reducing pipeline failures to zero.

Fossil Fuels Aren’t Going Away – Not Your Typical ESG Investment

Dirty, dirty oil. We are so past that. Renewables are all the rage – clean energy, renewable natural gas, wind and solar. Whether you are committed to or skeptical about renewable energies, you cannot deny that ESG companies are getting a lot of media headlines and bylines. For those new to ESG, it stands for “Environmental, Social and Governance”, and includes not only renewable energy companies but also firms changing their practices to affect positive environmental, social, and government changes.

Give it Away – The Million You Never Made

Most consumers care about their personal data privacy but don’t know how to: a) take back their data, and b) monetize their data. Not only are governments stepping up regulations to protect consumers, but awareness around the value of personal data is starting to proliferate across the media. As consumers realize the value of their personal data, they may be inclined to protect it and find a way to monetize it.

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