
Investment Research for Your Business

“Thought leadership should be an entry point to a relationship. Thought leadership should intrigue, challenge, and inspire even people already familiar with a company. It should help start a relationship where none exists, and it should enhance existing relationships.” -Daniel Rasmus

Sophic Capital: Latest Research

A Global Crisis

A Global Crisis

Companies and Governments are Struggling with Cybersecurity Report #1 Recap In Sophic Capital’s Digital Defense report, we highlighted how susceptible people and organizations are to cybercrime. Despite the power of the internet, data, and technology, cybercrime...

Digital Defense

Digital Defense

Increase Cybersecurity and Protect Your Assets More Data, More Money, More Cybercrime  For several years, we have witnessed the data revolution. The internet, data, and technology are inextricably linked. In an era of unprecedented data proliferation, the increase in...

Rising to the Surface with Kraken Robotics

Rising to the Surface with Kraken Robotics

The Wave May Be Just Getting Started Surging Stock Still Looks Undervalued  Even though the stock of Sophic Capital client Kraken Robotics (PNG:TSXV, KRKNF:OTCQB) has surged over 150% in the past six months, it still appears undervalued when compared to its peers. In...

Sophic Capital: Latest Research

A Global Crisis

Companies and Governments are Struggling with Cybersecurity Report #1 Recap In Sophic Capital’s Digital Defense report, we highlighted how susceptible people and organizations are to cybercrime. Despite the power of the internet, data, and technology, cybercrime...

Digital Defense

Increase Cybersecurity and Protect Your Assets More Data, More Money, More Cybercrime  For several years, we have witnessed the data revolution. The internet, data, and technology are inextricably linked. In an era of unprecedented data proliferation, the increase in...

Rising to the Surface with Kraken Robotics

The Wave May Be Just Getting Started Surging Stock Still Looks Undervalued  Even though the stock of Sophic Capital client Kraken Robotics (PNG:TSXV, KRKNF:OTCQB) has surged over 150% in the past six months, it still appears undervalued when compared to its peers. In...

A Whirlwind of Opportunity in Texas

Simple, Profitable, and Scalable Report #1 Recap In Sophic Capital’s Endeavor Unleashed report, we looked at how Sophic Capital client ADM Endeavors, Inc. [OTCQB:ADMQ] (“ADM” or the “Company”) a diversified, direct marketing and value-added manufacturing company fits...

Sophic Capital: Past Research

Give it Away – The Million You Never Made (Part 3)

Welcome to Part 3 of Give it Away – The Million You Never Made, where we’ll show how Freckle (FRKL-TSXV), a Sophic Capital client, has a data privacy-compliant application that will fill the void left by traditional data brokers that cannot meet regulatory requirements around the collection and monetization of YOUR personal data.

Give it Away – The Million You Never Made (Part 2)

We’ve all seen online advertisements that match our interests. Many of us have pieced together that websites and apps collect our personal info, determine our interests, and somehow advertise to our interests whenever we’re online. What many people don’t know is that there are companies beyond Facebook and Google collecting our personal data and selling our digital profile to the highest bidders. You get paid nothing.

Sophic Insights – Give it Away – The Million You Never Made (Part 1)

Here is what happens when we use social media, applications and websites. In exchange for free access, we provide (often voluntarily) details about who we are, what we do, where we are, our interests, apps we use, Internet pages we visit, who are friends are… you get the point. Companies create a profile about you from your personal data, which is then packaged by companies like Oracle and sold to brands and data companies.

PNG: Kraken Investors Establish New Floor Price For Stock

Kraken Robotics’ stock is up more than 40% and has set a new 52-week high since Ocean Infinity, a Kraken customer, announced its plan to take an almost 10% stake in Kraken. In the days following the press release, Kraken’s stock has consistently closed above the $0.20/share investment price with comparatively heavy volume.

Kraken Robotics – Opportunities with GE and Beyond

On October 26, 2017, GE Venture company Avitas Systems partnered with Kraken Robotics to develop subsea inspection solutions for the oil and gas industry. This a milestone for Kraken Robotics because for the past two years management has been communicating a search/recovery/inspection, subscription model called Robotics-as-a-Service (RaaS) for sea drones.

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